I know many of us are weary of accolades being handed out indiscriminately. Like the competitions where everyone gets a prize just for participating. Really?
Maybe you’re not one for making everyone into a winner, but what if we thought about winning in a very different way?
No, it’s not about creating a society of all winners, but then again, why not?
You’ve Got This
Instead of competing against others, you actually get to compete against, well…yourself. Essentially being the best person you can be.
Winning isn’t getting ahead of others. It’s getting ahead of yourself. – Roger Staubach
It all starts with winning the battle in your mind.
Rather than getting worked up over a co-worker’s promotion, you could start looking internally instead. And then actually doing something about what you find during that time of introspection.
How can you make yourself more marketable, more reliable, or ‘indispensable’?
What skills do you need to brush up on? Maybe there are attitudes that need to be checked.
How committed have you been to your own personal development? And I don’t mean waiting for the boss to nominate you for the next workshop.
Be proactive. Start looking for events and opportunities to take your skills to the next level. Be intentional about working on you.
Win at work? Maybe everyone can. Click To TweetAnd how about when you see everyone else as the problem? It’s so easy to find all the reasons why a service is sub-par when we’re not the ones providing it. Or to blame someone else for why our performance isn’t where it should be.
Is it possible to focus on what you can change instead?
Decide to be the change you wish to see in your workplace or industry. Determine what’s within your power to change and focus your energies there.
Choose to Win
Sure, not everyone can be a winner in the literal sense. Life simply doesn’t work that way. But instead of feeling like you’re on the losing team, choose to focus on the one competition you have control over – the race to be the best you.
Being introspective, deliberately working on you and choosing to be the change you wish to see, are just three ways you can set yourself up to win.
What other strategies do you use to create the winning version of you?
Is it possible for everyone to be winners?
Share your comments below.